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Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?

Playing is a process that accompanies a child’s growth.   Statistics show that children spend most of their time playing. This detrimental activity that used to take place outside is now being swapped with inside activities. That said, the question that remains is which is better, indoor or outdoor play? 

  • Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?
Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?
Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?
Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?
Indoor vs. Outdoor play—is one better than the other?


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    Outdoor play

    Much to the disappointment of the parents, their children’s playtime is mostly indoor, missing the fun adventures of outside and its numerous benefits. Thus, let us discuss some of the outdoor play advantages:

    Physical activity

    With each new exploration, the child exercise and moves his physical body when playing outdoor. This has been shown to be extremely effective for life-long health. In fact, exercising will strengthen the muscles, reduce the nearsightedness, eliminate the risk of chronic diseases and improve the motor skills.

    Social skills

    Going outside is the children’s chance to join a football team in the backyard playground set, to gather with relatives on outdoor swing sets in the neighbourhood or other swing sets near me, or to play hide and seek with some colleagues. This will allow the child to meet new persons and to engage with different personalities. Such meetings will develop his social skills and his openness to the world. He will be more prone to build relationships faster and to increase his network of friends.


    There is another whole new live in the outdoors! Once the child starts to get acquainted with the outside animal creatures, the plants, the fresh air, the people there and the space around him, he will become more self-aware. As a result, his consciousness of existence will improve and he will develop into a wisest person


    As it is said, nature is the mother’s earth. It is the deepest experiment any child can go through in life. It is the journey of self-discovery.  Not only does it make a child happier and more active, it also enhances his well-being and mental health. Nature can be a kid’s best friend with all its lovely creatures, its magnificent sceneries, its mountains, its trees, its flowers and its entire detailed component. This is without having to mention the significant benefit of sunlight in healing and calming the soul.

    Indoor Play

    While it is believed that indoor play does not offer the same benefits of outdoor play and limits the children imagination and other related skills, yet, indoor play can be useful if planned appropriately. Of course sitting in front of the TV screen for hours is harmful. However, watching a documentary that introduces a child to new subjects is obviously favorable. In addition, craft works, drawing or painting are other activities that cannot be found outside but that are proved to develop the child’s creativity and increase his appreciation of art.

     Ultimately, parents can get to decide whether to let their children engage in outdoor or indoor play more. However, they must always be aware not to waste their children’s time on activities that bring no benefits to them.

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