by casa dar
Shoes can be very encumbering and messy if not stored well. Some prefer leaving their shoes and heels in their own boxes, others favor placing all shoes in a cupboard or even in a closet.
There are many ways you can store your shoes, but you will have to pick the one that is best for you, and that goes well with your house division and rooms’ available spaces. When considering shoe storage, you will have to take into account the amount of fresh air coming the shoes’ way, or else, your shoes will unfortunately dry rot, without you knowing why. Add to that, while aiming at stopping the mess and picking the most attractive storage shoe cabinet to fit with the room decor, you must think about protecting your shoes while being stored. As we are currently spending most of our time at home, it has become crucial to turn the place into a more clutter-free and functional one, so, you can start with storing your shoes and getting them out of the way, and the room will probably feel more spacious.
Shoe storage is an essential activity that should be well done and regularly maintained, as shoes can be back in all over the place so easily and in two to three days if storage wasn’t daily practiced. Shoe storage can be done in so many ways, but you will have to pick the best option that suits you and works best for you. In this blog, we will provide you with the 11 most clever shoe storage ideas to stop the mess and declutter your space:
A combination shoe rack and hallway table
This furnishing can be used for decoration, as a wood table, and for storing shoes! You can store in it low-profile sneakers and flip-flops, any comfortable shoes you wear out for a quick errand. @yamazakihome built that works best for all interior design styles.
A hanging closet shoe storage
This type of storage fits all sizes of shoes and allows you to make the most of the vertical space of your closet.
Clear shoeboxes
These boxes are wonderful; they protect your shoes from dust and ventilate them through ventilation holes! Moreover, these shoeboxes, such as the ones fashioned by @thecontainerstore, keep your shoes organized and facilitate finding the shoe you are looking for thanks to their transparent color.
Space-saver shoe storage
This one uses spaces that you usually do not consider or fill, such as the space behind a mirror like the one designed by @francofurniture.
Cupboard shoe storage
This is the classical type of storage that most people prefer and opt for. However, you should ventilate the shoes from time to time by opening the cupboard doors frequently. You can see in the picture a similar cupboard designed by @francofurniture.
Outdoor shoe storage
Here, there isn’t any actual storage! It’s just putting your shoes out on the balcony as they are. This is good for ventilation purposes, but you should be aware of the sunlight hitting the shoes which can damage some of the material of the shoes. Additionally, this type of storing shoes could turn into a mess because there won’t be any boundaries to each shoe, so beware when adopting it!
Bench-shoe storage
@Mdesign designed one of these wonderful multi-functional storage cabinets. You can use it as a bench and as a shoe storage at the same time. It can be useful as well since you need to sit down to properly put on your shoes, so it is basically a nice combination!
Floor-to-ceiling shoe storage
This storage is useful, as it can contain a huge number of shoes. @thedesigneditau shaped this type of storage in a wonderful way.
Ladder-like shoe storage
This ladder-like shoe cabinet storage, like the one made by @futoncompany, allows you to have the shoes you are using most near you, so it would be easier for you to put on your most used shoe quickly without having to go through the daily same procedure of searching for it amongst million others!
Outdoor shoe storage cupboard
This cupboard is a good choice, especially the one crafted by @woodfactoryke, as it stores all your shoes in an organized way while ventilating them all since it is placed outdoor.
Boxes are the classical lazy style of storing shoe. Nevertheless, this choice is most of the time not recommendable as it impedes shoes’ ventilation and leads to shoes’’ materials deterioration unless the boxes are regularly opened and ventilated.
#shoestorage #organisationtips #storageideas
#F37934 ;background:white;">A combination shoe rack and hallway table
#F37934 ;background:white;">A hanging closet shoe storage
#F37934 ;background:white;">Clear shoeboxes
#F37934 ;background:white;">Space-saver shoe storage
#F37934 ;background:white;">Cupboard shoe storage
#F37934 ;background:white;">Outdoor shoe storage
#F37934 ;background:white;">Bench-shoe storage
#F37934 ;background:white;">Floor-to-ceiling shoe storage
#F37934 ;background:white;">Ladder-like shoe storage
#F37934 ;background:white;">Outdoor shoe storage cupboard
#F37934 ;background:white;">Boxes
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by March 26, 2025
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